
Programs - How to send encrypted email with gmail - Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™

It could be very useful to send email throug gmail to another account encrypting email.

You can get this result using Chorme at the same time the following plugin:

Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™

Here are details

Extension implementing GPG into Webmail (Gmail™) using the OpenPGP.js library. This project is no way affiliated with Google™.

Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™ aims to make OpenPGP encryption available and used 
by anyone.

This project is in no way affiliated with Google™.

***If you are having trouble with this extension, particularly in regards 
to key imports/working with other clients, please reach out to me.

To get started
*Install this Extension
*Tools -> Extensions -> under Mymail-Crypt click the options page
*Read over the help, import or generate a key as is necessary
*Give your public key to your friends, import theirs into the options page
*In Gmail™ simply click encrypt to encrypt a mail you're writing
*In Gmail™ simply click the decrypt to read a mail from a friend.

Mymail-Crypt acts as a layer on top of your Gmail™ experience that allows 
you to seamlessly encrypt