
Extra IT - Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali

Today at 5.00 PM in via di Santa Marta 3 (Firenze) - aula Caminetto, the Global Optimization Laboratory dedicated to the memory of Gerardo Poggiali will give a short presentation of its activities



I had the opportunity to met Gerardo Poggiali more than 20 Years ago when we was studing at Engineer Florence University and, considering his suddenly death, I am publishing this event that will happen today in Santa Marta, I could not be there but I have a very good memory about him.

[update 2016.06.16]

Here is

Video di una giornata di presentazione del laboratorio GOL - presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.