
Sophos - How to reinstall if when old version is unable to be uninstalled

If you have problems to uninstall old sophos version or sophos with problems you can follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall any relation to Sophos AutoUpdate, Sophos Remote Management System and "Sophos Diagnostic Utility"
  2. If uninstallation ask for binaries you give him this path

    C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Cache\sau\sophos autoupdate.msi

    C:\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\sau\Sophos AutoUpdate.msi
  3. If net stop "sophos AutoUpdate Service"
  4. Stop any Sophs services
  5. Stop "almon.exe" process
  6. Delete this register key HKLM\Software\Sophos
  7. Start --> cmd
    sc delete savonaccesscontrol

    sc delete savonaccessfilter
    sc delete skmscan 
    sc delete savadminservice 
    sc delete savonaccess
  8. net stop "sophos AutoUpdate Service"
  9. sc delete "sophos AutoUpdate Service"
  10. If you get error 1060 (service is not installed) you can not consider it
  11. Create .reg file like in appendix
  12. Delete this folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\
  13. Restart Server (in my case it was not necessary)
  14. Reinstall Anvitivus

                            In case of less sophos services and differs from policies errors I followed this procedure

                            1.      On server/client you need to stop all sophos services (10 or 11)
                            2.      You must copy and overwrite all binaries from these paths:


                            To  C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\AutoUpdate

                            3.      Reinstall AV from standard path as usually: 



                            Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

                            ;Removes Basic MSI info for SAU.

                            ;SAU 2

                            ;SAU 3

                            ;SAU 4

                            ;SAU 5

                            ;SAU 2
                            ;SAU 3
                            ;SAU 4
                            ;SAU 5
