
Tips - How to convert Veeam ONE Monitor 6.5/7.0 from licensed version to Free Version

During this days I had the opportunity to install Veeam ONE Monitor 7.0 with license for a single host.

Later I need to back to the Free Veeam ONE monitor free edition.

I have solved this issue looking with start --> regedit any string "License" related to Veeam and deleting them.

After the reboot VEEAM ONE backed to Free edition.

For older Veeam ONE version (5.x) you can take a look at the above register key and Veeam Article:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Monitor for VMware\License]
During Server management it could be useful utilize a powershell script for automatically backing up Server System State on remote Network Share .VHDx.

Here are the step done:

1. Mount remote Share
2. Windows Backup Registry System State
3. Verify
4. Email send for check
5. Unmount network share.

Original Article it's:

Here's the relative script:

function SendMail ($a)

     $smtpServer = ""
     $MailMessage = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage

     $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

     $MailMessage.From =
     $MailMessage.ReplyTo =
     $MailMessage.subject = "Backup SystemState"
     $MailMessage.body = $a



wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backupTarget:z: -quiet

if ($LastExitCode -eq "0" ) {
    $CorpoMail = "Backup systemstate eseguito correttamente "
    SendMail $CorpoMail
else {
    $CorpoMail = "Backup systemstate eseguito con errori controllare "
    SendMail $CorpoMail

SCCM 2012 R2 - Install System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

During this days it's available System Center 2012 R2

What’s New in System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager - http://technet.micro...y/dn236351.aspx

So, if you want take a look to a simple installing tutorial you can go to the following link:

SCCM 2012 - Error "2097154172" and 0x800706ba

It could happen that, trying to install the SCCM Client to new Workstation/laptop it goes wrong.

On the server, opening ccm.log you could find this errors:

---> Unable to connect to WMI on remote machine "WORKSTATION_NAME", error = 0x800706ba.

---> ERROR: Unable to access target machine for request: "2097154172", machine name: "WORKSTATION_NAME",  access denied or invalid network path.

Probably it's a DNS problem, infact:

1. Ping workstation
2. Ping -a IP Workstation
3. It could not resolve the Workstation name, so we have found which is the problem (DNS query)

USB - ISO to USB boot Live

Often I need to create Boot USB key with content of any .iso live DVD/CD

Here is an easily tool for this purpose.

Operative step:

1. You must install the program
2. Select .iso file
3. Select destination USB drive
4. Click Start
5. At the end the USB key it's really bootable

Exchange 2007/200X - Get SMTP email Address with powershell

From Exchange 2007 it's possible get a text file with all SMTP email for every user/Distribution list.

You can get this information with powershell.

Here is the complete command:

Get-Recipient -Resultsize Unlimited | Select RecipientType, Name -Expand emailaddresses | Select Name, SmtpAddress, RecipientType | Sort Name | Format-Table -AutoSize > EmailsList.txt 

[original article]

2012 R2 Server - Download Link

At the moment it's avaible the Windows 2012 R2 trial download:

SCCM 2012 - Report Not running from SCCM Admin Console

It could happen that SCCM report properly run from WebBrowser but not from Admin Console.

It you give a look to the following log:

C:\Program Files(X86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\AdminUILo\SMSadminui.log

You'll find the problem.

Microsoft ReportViewer Winforms version or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified

To solve this issue you must install on the client/server where is installed the Admin Console

C:\Program Files(X86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Adminconsole\bin\ReportViewer.exe

[original article]

Tips - Useful utilities for a System Engineer.

Here are some important utilities that you should always ready to be user:

1. WireShark: to sniff and analyze any kind of data in your lan
2. Sysinterlal:
Sysinternal Live:

    Process Explorer Task Manager enanchment
    Contig, command line defragmenter utility

3. Unlocker: Unlock used file and Directory
4. Wipe utility:
5. Tree size portable(and similar utilities and or WinDirStat:

Hacker - Websense: un pericolo per le aziende il mancato aggiornamento di Java e FlashPlayer

WebSense ha adesso scoperto che solamente il 19% dei computer aziendali basati su Windows ha eseguito l'ultima versione di Java (versione 7.0 update 25) tra l’1 e il 29 agosto 2013.

Oltre il 40% delle richieste Java aziendali provengono da browser che stanno ancora utilizzando l'obsoleto Java 6. Come risultato, più dell'80% delle richieste Java sono soggette a due exploit estremamente conosciuti e sfruttati da parte dei malintenzionati. L'83,86% dei browser aziendali ha abilitato Java.
A completare il quadro sconfortante, quasi il 40% degli utenti non esegue le versione di Adobe Flash più aggiornata (il 25% delle installazioni di Flash risale a più di sei mesi fa, quasi il 20% a un anno fa e quasi l’11% a due anni fa).

Telefonia - BlackBerry RESET

BlackBerry Q10 

It could be very useful have a link about Blackberry email setting up and reset/wipe step.

I put on the blog the relaive link hoping that could be useful for someone.

Microsoft - Determine Microsoft Domain controller Schema Version

The following Table show Schema Version for any version of Microsoft Server O.S.

Windows 2000 Server 13
Windows Server 2003 30
Windows Server 2003 R2 31
Windows Server 2008 44
Windows Server 2008 R2 47
Windows Server 2012 56
Windows Server 2012 R2 – Preview 69

To get the relative information you must logon on the DC and try one of following step:

1. Registry:


2. From Command prompt:

dsquery * cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=domain,dc=com -scope base -attr objectVersion"
3. With Powershell:
PS C:\>Import-Module ActiveDirectory

PS C:\>Get-ADObject “cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=Domain,dc=com” -properties objectversion 



Server - SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool

There's a very useful command utilities that give you the ability to benchmark your storage and verify that it has good performances.

This utility it's SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool:

If you are interested to view the original tutorial the right link it's the following:

Further link are:

§ SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool

§ Comando FSUTIL

§ SQL Server Best Practices

§ How it works: Bob Dorr’s SQL Server I/O presentation
Bob Dorr, Microsoft CSS Engineer
§ SQLIO, PowerShell and storage performance: measuring IOPs, throughput and latency for both local disks and SMB file shares Jose Barreto, Microsoft File Server Team member

Outlook - Automatic .pst Backup utility

Specifica delle informazioni di cui eseguire il backup 

 Opzioni per i backup

Here's the relative Microsoft Tutorial that explain how to use the inside Outlook utility to create .pst backup at scheduled time.

[update 2013.12.12]

Here's another useful link:

[update 2014.02.25]