Hyper-V - HYPEROO utility di backup a caldo di Macchine Virtuali

Oltre al prodotto di backup a "caldo" Backup assist ho trovato un'interessante utility, ad un costo di 79 Dollari che permette di fare i backup di macchine virtuali sotto Hyper-V ad un costo irrisorio.

Questa permette di fare il backup via internet delle nostre machine virtuali e relative delta.

Ecco di seguito le caratteristiche:

Hyperoo is Windows Backup

Hyperoo backs up live Windows Hyper-V virtual servers to your remote Hyperoo server across your network/internet. Backup schedules are highly customisable, transfers are securely encrypted and the transfer process itself fast. And Hyperoo isn't restricted to just backing up Windows virtual servers, you can use it for backing up data folders, SQL databases, Exchange mail stores and plenty more besides!

Hyperoo is Fast!

To ensure efficiency during backups, Hyperoo only transfers the data that's changed (the delta). This means it can take just minutes to backup an entire 100Gb Hyper-V server over a slow speed link. And this makes it ideal for backups over a public network like the Internet!

Hyperoo backup is Secure

Moving sensitive backup data over the Internet is always a concern, but Hyperoo allows you to securely encrypt your data during transmission. This is done using modern AES encryption standard.

Hyperoo is Simple

There really isn't much to configure!  A simple Microsoft Windows installation can be run right out of the box - just tell the application which Hyper-V virtual server you want to backup.  Of course the detailed options are there if you want them, and if you find it all a little daunting we're always at the end of an email to help out!

Hyperoo backup is Cost-Effective

Whilst other Microsoft Windows backup suites cost thousands , Hyperoo's a snip at just $79 per client license!

Hyperoo backup is Restore

Easily restore any of your Backups onto remote servers using Hyperoo's built-in Restore interface. Transfers are securely encrypted and you only transfer the differential, so it's lightning fast to boot!