Extra IT #7 Japanese Techniques To Overcome Laziness

I am taking note about this video that Explain these concepts:

1.) Ikigai (life purpose)

  • Discover your purpose in life
    Determine the reason you wake up each morning
  • Choose something that aligns with your strenghts, passions, and the needs of the world
  • This is what gives life meaning
2.) Kaizen (continuous improvement)
  • focus on small improvememnts every day
  • You don't have to do everything at once, just aim to make progress little by little
3) Pomodoro Technique
  • Work for 25 minutes, take a break for 5, then repeat. This helps you stay focused and avoid burnout.
  • It's a game charger for productivity.
4) Hara Hachi Bu
  • Don't stuff yourself!
  • Eat until you're 80% full and you'll feel more energizzed throughout the day
  • Plus, you won't have to unbotton your pants after lunch
5) Shoshin (beginner's mind)
  • Approach tasks with a beginner's mindset. Don't worry about being perfect or having all the answers.
  • Just be open to learning and trying new things
6) Wabi-sabi (beauty of imperfection)
  • Embrace imperfection!
  • Instead of stressing over every little detail, focus on what's important and find beauty in simplificity
  • Taking action is better than waiting or perfection.
7) Kaikeibo
  • Make a budget and stick to it
  • When you have your finances in order, you'll feel less stressed and more motivated to tackly your other goals
8) (optional) Nature's Healing tough

  • Spend time in nature
  • It's scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve your mood
  • Take a wal in the park, breathe in fresh air, and let nature recharge you

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TEAMS & OFFICE #ERROR #vdi #citrix #2022 #how to fix

 On VDI environment new Teams version might have below problem evidence:

Otherwise you might not be able to logon on Teams having below error

Finally you might be asked to logon with your user account each time that you close an re-open Microsoft application such Word, Excel ...

These are steps necessary to fix problem.
  1. Logoff user from Teams/Office Application session.
  2. Close teams/Office program
  3. Delete this folder and all its content
  4. Execute Teams/Office application once again

Security - LastPass

 website used to create automatically complex passwords



In case you need to download global Protect client, other than on public Firewall IP here it is relative procedure that you should follow:

  1. Customer Support Portal
  2. Login with valid support account
  3. Updates --> Software Updates --> Global Protect Agent for Windows64 --> GlobalProtect64-6.x.y.z.msi



Here they are commands that are required to, on a Router/L3 Switch, enable DHCP service.

There are other settings but, this example, simple give you a general idea:

Switch# config t


Switch(config)# ip dhcp pool description_or_vlan_name

Switch(config-dhcp)# network lower_vlan_ip subnet

Switch(config-dhcp)# domain-name domain name

Switch(config-dhcp)# dns-server dns_server_1 dns_server_2 

Switch(config-dhcp)# default-router default_gateway_ip

Switch(config-dhcp)# ip dhcp excluded-address lower_vlan_ip_range upper_vlan_ip_range

Switch(config-dhcp)# ip dhcp excluded-address lower_vlan_ip_range upper_vlan_ip_range

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