Dal precedente link copio ed incollo la guida step by step:
Step-by-Step Guides
Standalone Primary Server
- CM12 in a lab - Part 1. Installation.
- CM12 in a lab - Part 2. Adding Sup and WDS
- CM12 in a lab - Part 3. Configuring Discovery and Boundaries
- CM12 in a lab - Part 4. Configuring Client Settings and adding roles
- CM12 in a lab - Part 5. Enable the Endpoint Protection Role and configure settings
- CM12 in a lab - Part 6. Deploying Software Updates
- CM12 in a lab - Part 7. Build and Capture Windows 7 X64
- CM12 in a lab - Part 8. Deploying Windows 7 X64
- CM12 in a lab - Part 9. Adding an Application, editing a Deployment Type, Copying the Deploy Task
- CM12 in a lab - Part 10. Using Prestart and Extrafiles to get more out of UDA
- CM12 in a lab - Part 11. Adding the Reporting Services Point role
- CM12 in a lab - Part 12. Updating an Operating System image using Offline Servicing.
- CM12 in a lab - Part 13. using Role Based Administration to define permissions in the ConfigMgr Consol
- CM12 in a lab - Part 14. Performing a side-by-side Migration from Configuration Manager 2007
- CM12 in a lab - Part 15. Deploying Windows 8 Customer Preview
- CM12 in a lab - Part 16. Integrating MDT 2012 RC1 with Configuration Manager 2012
- CM12 in a lab - Part 17. Using MDT 2012 RC1 with Configuration Manager 2012
- CM12 in a lab - Part 18. Deploying a UDI Client Task Sequence
Multi Site Hierarchy
- New! using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 1. Installation - CAS
- New! using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 2. Install the Primary server - P01
- New! using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 3. Configuring Discovery and Boundaries
- New! CAS considerations for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
RTM (Release to Manufacturing)
Build number 7711
using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 1. Installation - CAS
Part 1.Installation - CAS [Apr 26th, 2012].
using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 2. Install the primary server - P01
Part 2. Install the primary server - P01 [May 6th, 2012].
How can I easily prompt for a computer name in Configuration Manager 2012
Prompting for a computer name using the OSDComputerName variable [May 11th, 2012].
using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 3. Configuring Discovery and Boundaries
Part 3. Configuring Discovery and Boundaries [May 21st, 2012].
How can I enable Debug View in the Configuration Manager Console .
Enabling the Tools workspace and enabling Debug View in the Console [May 29th, 2012]
using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 4. Adding roles and configuring custom Client Device Settings
Part 4. Adding roles and configuring Custom Client settings [June 1st, 2012].
using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager - Part 5. Adding WSUS, Adding the SUP role, deploying the Configuration Manager Client Agent
Part 5. Adding WSUS, Adding the SUP role, deploying the Configuration Manager Client Agent [June 3rd, 2012]
How can I display my System Center 2012 Configuration Manager hierarchy in Bing Maps.Using the Geographical View feature. [June 8th, 2012]
Release Candidate 2
Build Number 7703
Two New Endpoint Protection Reports added to Configuration Manager 2012 RC2
What are they and what do they look like ? [Jan 25th 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 13. using Role Based Administration to define permissions in the ConfigMgr Console
Part 13. using Role Based Administration to define permissions in the ConfigMgr Console [January 27th, 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 14. Performing a side-by-side Migration from Configuration Manager 2007
Part 14. Performing a side-by-side Migration from Configuration Manager 2007. [January 27th, 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 15. Deploying Windows 8 Customer Preview
Part 15. Deploying Windows 8 Consumer Preview using Configuration Manager 2012 RC2 [February 29th, 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 16. Integrating MDT 2012 RC1 with Configuration Manager 2012
Part 16. Integrating MDT 2012 RC1 with Configuration Manager 2012 [March 1st, 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 17. Using MDT 2012 RC1 with Configuration Manager 2012
Part 17.Using MDT 2012 RC1 within Configuration Manager 2012 [March 18th, 2012]
using Configuration Manager 2012 RC in a LAB - Part 18. Deploying a UDI Client Task Sequence
Part 18. with MDT 2012 RC1 integrated in Configuration Manager 2012 [March 22nd, 2012]
How can I setup a Distribution Point on a Windows 7 computer in Configuration Manager 2012 ?
Setting up a DP on a Windows 7 box.[February 18th, 2012]
How can I capture an image using Capture Media in Configuration Manager 2012 ?
Capturing an image using capture media [February 21st, 2012]
Di seguito il link per il download del Manuale SCCM 2012 in formato .chm GRATIS:
Ecco il link per il download della guida in pdf e word (GRATIS)
The windows-noob.com CM12 Guides in PDF and WORD format.zip
Ecco alcuni video che mostrano come mai è interessante migrare a SCCM 2012