Network - Disponibile Zenoss Core 4.2

Finalmente è disponibile la versione 4.2 di Zenoss core che permette il monitoraggio delle strutture informatiche.

Ecco alcune feature:

• Implementation of RabbitMQ as a messaging framework, which supports events and jobs processing, increased scalability, and the ability to subscribe to event queues for custom processing
• Significant improvements to the event processing system, increasing to 100M+ events per day
• Alerting framework replaced with more robust, real-time triggers and notifications
• New system requirements, including Python 2.7 and MySQL 5.5.25 or higher
• RelStorage, which replaces ZEO and improves the performance of Zope object database queries
• Scalability improvements to zenperfsnmp
• Latest Ext JS® 4.1 framework
• Advanced user configuration options in the interface
• Zenoss Core now stores session information in a persistent database, which is created in MySQL
• Improvements to published JSON API examples, including the introduction of a Python client library
• REST API for querying events
• Support for SNMPv3 traps
• Ability to monitor devices directly over IPv6
• Ability to bind templates to generate ping performance information for devices and interfaces
• Faster and more resilient event suppression through nmap-based zenping

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