Backup - Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Active Directory
Veeam 8 and relative upgrade from 7 version
You need to search about VBK Extract and go to
C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup
Considering that DC would be unavailable and DNS too you need to copy this files to proxy target:
- Veeam.Backup.Extractor.exe
- Extract.exe
you need to launch Veeam.Backup.Extractor.exe and restore Backup to Vmware.
<-----veeam 7="" and="" considerations------="" precedents="" version="">-----veeam>
There is no specific recommendations regarding domain controller backups, just make sure you have application-aware image processing enabled. You may find more information here:
In case of restore, you may encounter the situation when for the first time DC boots in safe mode. It's an expected behavior, however, which is explained here:
Here they are Applicatioin-aware requirements and original article that explain step by step single object recovery from whom I copied some images:

About DC virtualization here they are some best practices
Virtualizing Active Directory Six Best Practices for Domain Controllers
Active Directory and DR Site
Veeam uses VSS compliant backups and when restoring a DC it will automatically perform a non-authoritative restore. It's my understanding that, because of this, you don't need to worry about having the domain controls snapshots happen all at the exact same moment.
boot the machine up in dsrm ( bcdedit /set safeboot dsrepair )
log in with ds repair mode password .\Administrator
run the bcdedit command to set and remove dsrepair mode ( bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot )
net stop ntfrs
open regedit and
Open Regedit
Browse to the following extension: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Add the following dword (32 bit) value: Repl Perform Initial Synchronizations
And leave this set to 0.
open regedit and expand: hklm\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at Startup
Set the burflags to d2 (sometimes you will have to use d4, but only do this in isolated network or it will overwrite other DC's during replication)