Scripting - File Server migration using robocopy command

In the past we managed 2008 to 2016 migration and so I am taking note about robocopy syntax that it was useful during this project. (focused on file servers migration)

Approach was replicating root folder on new server, enabling share (on new server), stopping old share folder and finally launching this command (from old file  server) for final folder synchronization.

robocopy local_drive:\localfoldername \\remote_server\remote_share_name /E /COPYALL /SEC /MIR /ZB /W:1 /R:1 /LOG:C:\locallogfolder\SYNC_OLDSERVER_VS_NEWSERVER_DATE_TIME.LOG /TEE 

/SEC it replicate security permissions

/Tee it enable video logging real time display

/SECFIX it fix security permissions

Meanwhile I am adding  old blog articles links:

Backup - Robocopy and real time monitoring of any file changes

Scritping - Using robocopy to replicate files to remote location on scheduled tasks and sending final log and status email

Backup – Lista dei comandi di Robocopy

Tips - How to migrate file server share and permissions

Scripting - Inviare una mail da riga di comando in windows